by Webbing Team
One of the critical decisions involving mobile connectivity is choosing the right wireless carrier partner. This choice will affect your company’s coverage quality, expenses, and overall convenience for managers and employees alike. The traditional options include local and roaming carriers, which offer particular advantages and limitations. A local carrier’s service is limited to the geographical range of their home network, while a roaming carrier can provide comprehensive coverage globally. In this post, we will examine each option’s strong suits and weak points and add a surprising third option to the mix.
The Pros and Cons of Local Wireless Carriers
Pros: Local wireless carriers offer great coverage for their area or region. The proximity to the data centers prevents latency issues and working with local suppliers guarantees competitive local rates.
Cons: On the other hand, local coverage proves to be limited since carriers do not collaborate with one another enough to form extensive coverage in the region resulting in white spots. In addition, managing many devices in numerous areas with different wireless carriers becomes a real challenge for companies. Multiple contracts, SIMs, and tariffs lead to unpredictable charges that are hard to forecast and control. Also, warehousing, managing, and deploying several wireless carrier-specific SIMs drives up logistics costs. This solution doesn’t offer much flexibility, and offerings tend to remain rigid.
The Pros and Cons of Roaming Carriers
Pros: This approach offers a one-stop-shop for all the company’s locations and needs, increasing flexibility and creating a smooth operational process. The global coverage suits international organizations and fits the needs of today’s mobile workforce.
Cons: Distance makes the heart grow fonder, but its influence on connectivity is problematic and causes latency issues. In addition, roaming rates tend to be less competitive, and the level of post-deployment control is relatively low.
Webbing’s Hybrid Connectivity Solution
While some businesses debate between the lesser of two connectivity evils, a third option solves this dilemma once and for all. Webbing operates multiple data centers that reduce latency and allow you and your business to move faster. We bring together more than 600 mobile carriers to form a solid network that provides streamlined, continuous connectivity across the globe. The result is robust and reliable coverage with the lowest latency across 200 countries.
Our strong partnerships with a long line of service providers span over a decade, allowing us to offer competitive rates in addition to solid coverage. Turn-key solutions make everything easier and reduce the operational burden.
Solving the above challenges is our main focus, and we invest significant resources and effort in improving the connectivity conditions for businesses worldwide. Thanks to the combination of high-quality coverage, cost-efficiency, and flexibility, your business can move freely between regions and networks. Curious to learn more? Contact us at [email protected].